My Story

I was 18 years old – 21 days away from turning 19 and I woke up to find my dad lying there… lifeless. I still can’t even put into words the pain I felt that day – and for the next few  years. I didn’t understand, I was so confused. I fell to my knees after calling 911 and asked God “What the f*$# did I do to deserve this?!” I just kept repeating that sentence…

My whole entire life changed in the matter of a second. Me and my dad were very close. He was my best friend, and I still miss him every SINGLE day of my life. Now that I’m kind of doing better at this whole “adulting” thing, I often wish I could talk to him. Now that I understand more about life – I have a lot of questions for him. Things I wish we could talk about.

I grew up in a broken home. My parents divorced when I was 10 or 11 years old. I lost my grandma (whom I was EXTRMEMLY close with) when I was 16. I lost my dog right after that, and then I lost my dad. Needless to say, I had some issues. 

In August 2017 I walked into a therapists office. It has easily been one of the best things I have done in my life. That day started the ever so important journey of self development. First I learned about my core beliefs, then about how to properly grieve the loss of my dad, among a bunch of other things. I became obsessed with learning about all aspects of life and improving myself. 

One of those categories is personal finances. I learned how important it is to pay off debt, to save money, and the importance of investing and building wealth so you can change your family tree. That’s what means a lot to me. Changing my family tree. Can you imagine being the person who changes your family tree? Wow… 

I don’t like that this is “my story”. Trust me, I would have rather been dealt a better hand of cards for my life but God has other plans for me. Maybe that’s why you’re still reading this. Did you get dealt a bad hand of cards at life too? I want to help you WIN with money. I know what it feels like to not know what to do and have nobody to ask. To feel so alone… like the world has left you behind with nobody to teach you these things. Let me teach you. Let me be the person to guide you. You are not alone! My passion lies in helping millennials who lost their parent(s) from death, drugs, alcoholism, or abandonment get out of debt & get control over their money!  I want to be the person I needed when I felt alone and needed guidance.

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